Archive | February, 2016

Kloee’s Bakes – Kainaz Nunes

15 Feb


Kainaaz posted about Kainaz and it was love at first sight with the quiche. I just had to (that happens VERY rarely) eat that quiche. As a nutritionist one would think I would be in better control of my gluttony but this was a huge slip up and thank goodness it was SO WELL DESERVED! Sorry for the caps but you see I am in quiche heaven and I am shouting it from the rooftops. As soon as I saw the post I got in touch with Kainaz and told her that I needed a chicken quiche (which became TWO quiches once my husband saw the pictures), two salted caramel apple banana tarts (just coz she said these tarts are much smaller than the quiche – they are so much bigger than measly tarts you get in patisseries here), a half a tray of chocochip cookie crumble brownies and a box of a red velvet cupcakes. I have no idea what I was thinking when I ordered ALL of that as really, we didn’t need that much food and after seeing the real portions we really didn’t need THAT much food!! Bear with me please, it’s a moment for caps.

Thankfully we had some friends come over for dinner and no, the food will still be left over.

Over to the food – the chicken quiche. I bake. I have had my share of crappy shortcrust pastry (the bottom crust of the quiche, for the uninitiated) where I have not given the shortcrust the time, love and patience and also some really good ones. But quiche baking is something which requires a whole lot of patience which I am grossly deficient in. But Kainaz seems to have tons of it, coz the quiche was S.U.B.L.I.M.E. I say it slowly coz it is a slow process, you cannot just dump ingredients in a mixie and blitz away. It is a very good thing that her house is relatively far from my house or else she would have found me at her doorstep everyday and my nutrition clinic would have shut shop. 😯 You know the best part of this quiche was, it was not a cheese overload unlike many others – here the pastry shone and it was a well deserved day in the sun!

The salted caramel apple banana tart – again brilliantly executed sweet short crust and moreish caramel sauce. The best part, it was not tooth aching-ly cloyingly sweet. Like Goldilocks says, it was just right!

The red velvet cupcakes had the perfect Philadelphia cream cheese frosting and no skimping on frosting here. See the picture! My son, who is a very finicky eater of bakes, loved them and so did I. Although the cupcake was not bright red as the cocoa used was a tad bit more but who can complain about a tasty, soft, moist cake? I am already trying to think of when I can order a full cake from her. This bit here is significant as I ALWAYS bake at home, even my own birthday cake. See, now you know!

The brownies were made by the textbook and cut as per american standards. It was almost as big as a pack of amul butter. They would need a 30 second warming up in the microwave oven to become devilishly fudge-y at the centre. These I had ordered only because she recommended them. We are not chocolate lovers as a family, so we shared half a brownie amongst the three of us and the leftovers have been packed for a later day.

Kainaz, thank you ever so much for the treat! You are definitely going to hear from me more often. Please don’t get too busy ok?